27 Mar 4 Safety Tips for your Loading Docks
Your loading dock may be one of the most important areas of your business. It’s where your business receives and distributes products and materials, and its activities most likely form an integral part of your operations.
But your loading dock may also be one of the busiest and most dangerous areas of your business, with heavy loads, vehicles and employees all moving and working to complete their tasks. It’s critical that every loading dock have the right equipment and protocols to minimize safety risks. Try these four tips to keep your loading docks safer and more efficient.
1. Allow adequate time for loading and unloading jobs
One of the biggest risks to safety at the loading dock is rushing loading and unloading and trying to work too fast. When your employees or drivers are working too fast, they are more likely to make careless mistakes. Careless mistakes can result in dangerous accidents when working with forklifts, heavy equipment, and large products. Be sure to schedule adequate time for loading and unloading at your dock, so your employees don’t feel rushed, and can complete the job properly and safely. Injuries and accidents ultimately waste more time with damage control and accident clean-up. If you want to shave time off your loading and unloading processes, consider installing a hydraulic or air powered dock leveler which can quickly and efficiently adjust the height of your dock, for smooth and easy loading.
2. Keep the loading dock area clean and organized
Mess, clutter and garbage at the loading dock can create very unsafe working conditions. Trying to work fast can mean there’s no time to clean up, but clutter creates trip hazards and impedes smooth loading. Create an organized working area at the loading dock, by making the loading and unloading procedures clear and defining the workflow for bringing product to and from the dock. This reduces the risk that valuable products will be left lying around, and reduces the risk of collision and accidents. Having clean up guidelines to quickly remove trash and other debris is also important to prevent accidents with forklifts, and to avoid trips or falls.
3. Perform regular maintenance on your loading dock
Your loading dock has a lot of moving parts and components that help the dock to operate correctly and maintain safety. However, these components need to be inspected and maintained to ensure continued smooth operation and to reduce the risk of failure. Your loading dock should be inspected and maintained at least annually, but more frequently if your dock gets heavy usage. A professional commercial door and loading dock technician can provide a detailed check to ensure that all equipment is all in proper working order.
4. Install loading dock equipment to improve safety
Your loading dock might get a lot of use in a week, so customize and update your loading dock to improve safety and efficiency. Dock seals and shelters can protect the loading area from weather conditions such as snow, wind and rain, to protect your dock and product while maintaining a safe, slip-free work environment. Dock levelers can improve the efficiency of your business by allowing you to adjust your dock height more quickly, while increasing safety by reducing the risks of trips and falls as workers pass back and forth from the dock to the truck.
With the right planning, equipment and maintenance, you can achieve greater loading dock safety to protect your product, employees, and business. Commercial door and loading dock experts like Frontier Pacific can evaluate your loading dock, perform regular maintenance, and make recommendations for additional safety features, to ensure your dock always performs at its best and safest.