26 May Commercial Doors and Covid-19: How to Keep Employees Safe
You may be wondering how the right commercial doors can keep your employees safe. It’s not something that everyone thinks of. However, it’s an important part of the overall strategy for preventing any infection within your workforce. It’s not clear what exactly is the right commercial door to prevent spreading the virus, so it’s important to understand the basics. Then, you can apply this to what you know about commercial doors.
Keep in mind that this article isn’t medical advice. Always contact your local health professional for specific guidelines and more information. Also, much of the information regarding the virus and COVID-19 is continuously being updated. Be sure to stay informed of new developments.
Safety with Correct Data
The coronavirus, a recent health-risk development, is known to be responsible for causing a wide range of symptoms, such as respiratory infections, shortness of breath, and fever or chills. Workers in facilities that have had outbreaks of this virus are known to be at higher risk. In line with recent research, the coronavirus is currently considered one of the more dangerous viruses in circulation because we don’t have an immunity to it. It takes time to develop a vaccine or herd immunity.
For Store Owners
If you run a business, it’s important to have a plan to monitor the health of your employees. Otherwise, you may find yourself spending a great deal of money on testing and treatment. This will be far more costly than what you would have spent checking in on the health of your employees.
Safety Precautions
Require the use of latex and masks in high traffic areas such as break rooms, conference rooms, and lobbies. These have been identified as potential areas for infection with the virus. Although it seems simple, the proper preventative measures can have a major impact on the lives of your employees, as well as your business.
If you work in a consumer-facing industry, you need to understand your employee’s attitudes towards standard procedures. Ensure they follow critical safety requirements.
Public and private institutions must reevaluate their approach to their employee protocols to keep employees safe during this time. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you’re not well versed in the needs of your employees, you may be placing them at a higher risk for illness and injury. Now, where do commercial doors fit into this picture?
Safety with Commercial Doors
Although it’s not the first thing you may think of, the right commercial doors can do a lot to keep your employees safe. This isn’t just from physical harm but also harm from the current pandemic. Although there isn’t a lot of research in this area, there are still a few things you can keep in mind.
First of all, having the right commercial doors can make maintenance and cleaning of the doors much easier for your employees. In a perfect world, everything would be orderly and maintained. However, people don’t live in a perfect world. The easier you can make it for employees to follow standard safety procedures, the safer they’ll be in the long run.
Additionally, the right commercial doors can prevent the spread of the virus by not providing a good environment for the virus to stick. Any old commercial doors could have damage that the virus could latch onto. This could potentially allow it to live longer, as opposed to doors with surfaces that are easier to clean. So, if you have any commercial doors that need replacing or repairs, make sure not to neglect them.
Commercial Doors for Your Business
A big part of business success is ensuring workers are safe. Installing the right commercial doors can increase safety levels concerning the coronavirus pandemic. Prioritizing safety in your own business can help you build a healthier, happier workforce and community. For more information on replacing or repairing your doors, call Frontier Pacific at (510) 279-0232. We have the experience and cutting edge expertise you need.