07 Nov How Often Should I have My Commercial Garage Door Serviced?
A well-functioning commercial garage door is essential to the efficiency and security of many businesses. Because the safety of your business property and assets rely on the integrity of your commercial garage door, it’s a good idea to have your commercial door inspected and serviced regularly. How often should you have your door serviced for optimum security and functionality?
How Much Do You Use Your Commercial Door?
One of the major determinants of how often you should have your commercial door serviced is how often you use it. Many warehouse commercial doors get extensive wear and use, being opened and closed several times a day. Other commercial garage doors may be accessed less often, or only one or twice a day, at open and close of business. If your commercial garage door is used once per day or less, an annual service will keep it running smoothly. However, if your commercial door is used more heavily and frequently such as more than once a day, it should be serviced by a professional commercial door repair person quarterly. This helps to maintain efficient function and reduces the risk of serious faults.
Is Your Commercial Door Prone To Wear And Damage?
In certain situations, such as at a warehouse where forklifts, trucks and other machinery is moving around, your commercial garage door may be prone to more wear and damage. Although no one intends to have an accident and collide with the garage door, these accidents do happen. Even small knocks and dents can make your commercial garage door run less smoothly and accelerate wear to your commercial door. In areas where wear, traffic, and the potential for accidents is high, professional commercial garage door servicing should happen quarterly.
Is Your Commercial Door In A High-Risk Area?
Commercial garage doors that have previously been broken into or damaged in some way can be less secure and less efficient than new commercial garage doors. If your commercial garage doors are in a high-risk area, you may not even be aware of the tampering and interference with your doors that is a result of an attempted break-in. If you are concerned about the security of your commercial garage doors, be sure to have them professionally inspected and serviced at least quarterly, to maintain the highest level of protection.
How to Get the Right Service for Your Commercial Garage Doors
The right service for your commercial garage doors can be evaluated with a professional assessment from a commercial door repair company. By analyzing the way that you use your commercial doors, the nature of your business, and other risks you may be liable to, a professional commercial door repair company can develop a commercial garage door service program that matches your needs.
Commercial garage doors that are not adequately maintained and serviced are left vulnerable to security and operational risks. With regular professional service from a commercial door repair company, you can ensure smooth and safe operation for all your commercial garage doors.